Harmonious Relationships Start Here
We offer a wide variety of in-home training options to serve you and your family's individual needs. Whether you require basic training or need assistance with a more concerning behaviour problem we have solutions for you. With our multi-credentialed trainer, you can be sure that you and your pup are in the best hands possible. Safety and customer satisfaction are our primary concerns.
Behavioural Consultations
Due to their complex nature, we do require that all behavioural concerns are precluded by a virtual consultation prior to any in-home services. Counter surfing? Reactivity? Barking at sounds outside? A behavioural consultation is the way to go to tackle all those pesky problem behaviours. Includes:
Personalized training plan
Videos and video review
Email support
Access to private Facebook group
Our training packages offer a variety of resources and formats to best assist you and your canine companion!
Basic Training
Does your dog struggle with loose leash walking? Have issues with open doors? Maybe their recall could be better. Then you are in the right place. With our basic training packages you will receive:
- In-home consultations
- Personalized training plan
- Access to private Facebook group